Monday, July 11, 2011

How to make hair grow fast?

Once every month go get your hair trimmed, an inch at the MOST. Unfortunately and ironicly, if you want long hair you need to get it cut. Shampoo your hair every other day and condition it daily, massages help too. A better nutrition, sleep, and less stress will help A LOT. I use Nisim Fast Shampoo and condition, if you get this you can shampoo and condition your hair as mush as you want! Normally hair grows half and inch per month, this product will make your hair grow an inch AND a half, and it will increase over time. If you injest pills that can increase a LITTLE bit of hair growth everywhere. . . Don't straighten, blow dry, curl, your hair, dry with a towel and comb the ends of your hair and then work your way up to the roots. I hope this helps! If you're stubborn like me, then you might also consider hair extension. .

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