Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Revolutionary war questions?

Why do Americans always talk about how great they were in the revolutionary war when the French did most of the work ? the Americans were nothing more than rag tag rebels like the Taliban at that stage, and why do Americans mistakenly think the war' goal was independence when in fact it was because you were being taxed by the British without representation ? If the north American colonies had been economically worth it you do realize the British would have kicked your asses? but instead they were fighting the french on another front , and busy colonizing a good portion of the world . Oh and how did your invasion of Canada get on? I seem to remember the British and the British Canadians kicked your butts burnt down your white house , treasury and a series of other key political and economical strongholds? and before you say it I'm not British , I'm from Northern Ireland ... an unfortunate part of the British empire and still one of its remaining territories .

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